Taktsang (Tiger’s Nest) Monastery

Guru Padmasambhava, popularly known as Guru Rinpoche visited and sanctified Bhutan in the 8th century when evil spirits abounded and harmed people. More »

Punakha Dzong

The Punakha Dzong, also known as Pungtang Dechen Photrang Dzong (meaning \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the palace of great happiness or bliss\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".It Lies Between two river Banks of PHOCHU(male river) and MOCHU(female river)... More »

Chele La Pass

Chele La Pass is Located at 3810m (13,000ft), between the valley of Paro and Haa is Chele La, the highest road pass in the country More »


National Tree

NationalTreeThe Himalayan cypress (Cupressus torolusa) is the national tree of Bhutan. They are associated with religion, and may often be found near the religious structures and in the temperate zone between altitudes of 1800m and 3500m. To the Bhutanese, its ability to survive on rugged terrain represents bravery and simplicity.

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